
Talk to Gál Katalin, president of the Perspectives Association for deaf children in Romania


1.What made you accept the proposal to participate as a partner in the organization of the WaveforMe project?

The quality. By participating as a partner in “The Sound Imprint” project, I had the opportunity to meet the team that is close to Magda and I am honored to have been able to participate as a partner in this project, too.

2.What is your contribution to this project?

The media coverage of the project and informing the potential participants of the opportunity to be part of this great program, as well as the presentation of the project in the magazine of our association- “Perspectives”.

3.What do you think are the reasons why such projects should be carried out lifelong?

The effects of these projects are multi-modular: young people with hearing impairments or with hearing aids find a common way of communication, can achieve themselves through the various used methods, can show everything they are and become more confident in their own strengths. For this purpose, the deadline is extremely important, the process of self-knowledge and the development of personal skills, as well as the construction and maintenance of interpersonal relationships takes time.

4.How did you perceive the development of the project so far and which of the previous stages do you consider to have had a high impact?

The project was carried out in a very successful way, with professionalism. In my opinion, the presentation of the moments during the workshops as well as the podcasts were of a high impact.

5.As a partner in the project, what has been the feedback recorded so far?

WaveforMe project is a project that has filled a huge gap in the  personal development of young people with cochlear implants/  hearing aid carriers.

6.What do you think are the areas in which children and young people with hearing impairments, cochlear implants/ hearing aids carriers should be supported?

Self-knowledge, personality development, individual, but also common advocating activity, recognition and expression of one’s own feelings.

7.As a NGO, do you consider that the development of such a project at a national and international level could be sustainable?

Yes, I’m pretty sure.

8.If you were the initiator of an international dimension project, what forums would you involve in organizing it and what kind of partners would you turn to?

All national associations in the field, CIICA internationally.

9.How do you see the influence and involvement of several associations in such projects?

More associations means information spread over a wider range, so the participation of more young people in such projects. At the same time, a larger team has a more complex vision of the project.

10.From the experience gathered by participating in the WaveforMe project, how would you like to contribute to the organization of similar projects?

For some similar projects, we could also work on the information and media section, using the “Perspectives” magazine and our association’s website, as well as with the active participation of the association’s specialists.

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