
OPEN CALL – registration: 10.01.2023 – 1.02.2023

We discover, support and promote young talents by offering them personalized virtual showrooms! In this way the public has the opportunity to discover your creative universe by means of some instruments that are more and more present in the world of art professionals life.

This is a call for you if:

You are aged 15-25

You live with a cochlear implant or hearing aids

You are fond of visual art

You want to meet talented youth from different parts of the world who share the same passions and interests

“Yes! How can I join it?”

  1. Choose 1 to 5 works of art that best represent you artistically or create one especially for this occasion!
  2. Scan or take a photo to highlight them as well as you can. The works are important to be clear and well- enframed.
  3. Specify the following information for each work: the artist’s name, age, birth place, work title, size, used technique.

* Eligible works: drawings, paintings, collage, photography, fashion design, sculpture, ceramic- excepting video works.

4.Send all materials and information to the official address: office.waveforme@gmail.com

Deadline for submitting works: February 1st 2023

The results will be posted on the project’s facebook page on February 1st.

 Project initiated and implemented by VAR Cultural Association

Partners: Impuls Leasing Romania, The National Association of People with Hearing Impairments from Romania- “Listen to Life”, “European Federation of Parents of Children with Hearing Impaired ” ( FEPEDA ) , “Audiosofia” Association, ”Perspectives for hearing impaired children Romania” Association, “Immigration Research Forum” (IRF), Washington D.C., “Koala Auditive and Verbal Reabilitation” Association, Aures Foundation, B-Critic, FM Bucharest, IQads, Modernism, the magazine “Culture”, Radio Romania Cultural

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